
I am sooo super excited, you guys!  This new blog design has been a LOONG time in the making.  I've dreamed it up, planned and designed... and then when I realized I was in over my head...I called in the professionals to do it for me :)
Thanks to A Bird in Hand Designs I have this shiny new blog!  Isn't it pretty?!  I can't wait for you to being exploring the new turf.  You're gonna love it!

Let's get a couple logistics out of the way and then we will move onto the fun.
First off, whether you are a veteran CGN reader or new to the block, please, please, PLEASE subscribe to this new blog.  The old email/bloglovin'/etc.. notification systems will NOT transfer over to this new web address.  I promise - you won't regret it!
Once you subscribe you'll be on track to receive each post that will be loaded with tips, freebies, and ideas for making learning games a success in your classroom!
Got it?
Good - now let's get started!
So -  I thought it only fitting, being a classroom game-themed blog, that we kick off this new adventure with playing a game!
More specifically, a scavenger hunt :)

Listen close, my friends.  This blog is filled with hidden treasures.  Door prizes, we shall call them.  I want you to check out all the cool new features of this blog, and in doing so, you might discover a treat or two, or five :)!
The one thing I am most excited about in this new layout, is the navigation bar at the top:

On the old blog, once I posted a freebie game, after a few weeks, it disappeared into the land of unmarked games, making it very difficult to find them on the blog months later.  When new readers stumbled across the blog, they had no idea the game treasure trove that floated somewhere in blogland.  Even veteran reader would find it difficult to locate a game from the past.  All that is changing with this the navigation bar.  Now when you want to find a specific game, all you have to do is click on the content area you are looking for, and it will bring to a page with oodles of games all categorized by skill or topic.

Like this:

These games include all the games that were available on my other blog - don't worry, they are no longer lost or forgotten!  Once you see a game that catches your eye, simply click on the picture and download.
Now, please note: You will need to actually download the game.  Clicking only on the pic will just show you a preview.
Most games will download right from the blog.  Some pictures will link you to my Teachers Pay Teachers store, where it can be downloaded there.  Most games are free - all of them are fun :)

Now - here's where the scavenger part happens.  As you tour the new blog using the navigation tabs, you will want to look closely throughout the pages of the blog.  Hidden among the games you will see this icon:
This icon indicates a hidden door prize.  If you find the icon, click on it, there's a goodie inside :)
Be sure to snag them right away, do not delay.  Once my Open House week is over, they will disappear!
So, are you ready for some exploring???
Off you go!  Be sure to come back each day this week (and every week for that matter..) for more fun!

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